
Musician, Audio Engineer, Producer

Young TobiasThe Silver Hawk

What I Do

youtube, video, it begins

Fully Responsive

Music Production

Creating music every day for both business and personal happiness.

mixer, mixing console, mixing desk

Plans To Success

Audio Engineering

Recording for clients no matter their needs, realizing their music, & bringing it into existence.

cd, compact disc, icon

Safe Estate

Mixing & Mastering

creating the best mix possible, & finishing things up to be their best upon release.


Audio Engineering - My Work

Providing High Quality Recordings, Mixes & Masters

My objective is to provide high-fidelity recordings using various techniques & technologies to help you express yourself in a way you've always dreamed of, as well as provide Mixes & Masters ready for distribution and usage.



Pricing Pannel

Mixing & Mastering

up to $20/ Hour

Editing & Mixing YOUR Track

  • Full mixing
  • Project Files
  • Stems
  • Ready For Release
  • Flexible Pricing & Flat Rate offerings
  • Always Working Within your budget


up to $30/ Hour

Full Track Creation

  • Beginning to end Track Creation
  • You provide Vocals
  • any Genre
  • Full project files
  • Stems
  • Mixing & Mastering Included
  • Always Working Within Your Budget

Audio Engineering

up to $30/ Hour

Recording YOUR Track

  • Bring your Musical idea to life
  • Full recordings from a-z
  • Studio rental options available (for extra)
  • Project files & stems
  • Ready for Mixing & Mastering
  • Always Working Within Your Budget

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